Self-Care Tips: Prioritizing Your Mental and Emotional Health.

Written by Hailey Moulton, BA (Hons), MACP (In Progress), RP (Qualifying)

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Finding the time to prioritize our mental and emotional health can seem daunting, but it’s crucial for nurturing our overall well-being. Though the term “self-care” became more recognized in the late 20th century, the practice has been around for centuries, long before modern healthcare systems existed. Historically, people relied on self-care due to the lack of healthcare services. Today, technological advancements and better healthcare knowledge have ironically led to a decline in self-care practices. However, the COVID-19 pandemic brought self-care back into focus, as overwhelmed healthcare systems forced individuals to take charge of their own well-being and health (Martinez et al., 2021).

Self-care varies from person to person. It is defined as the ability to care for oneself through awareness, self-control, and self-reliance to promote overall health and well-being, including mental and emotional health (Martinez et al., 2021).

Ask yourself: “What self-care am I doing that prioritizes my mental and emotional health?”

Here are a few simple ways to incorporate self-care into your daily life:

  • Take a short walk.
  • Reach out to a friend.
  • Make your bed.
  • Drink more water.
  • Put your phone down.
  • Watch your favourite show.
  • Meditate.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Sit outside and enjoy the sun.
  • Eat something you love.
  • Go to therapy.
  • Pursue a new hobby.
  • Set boundaries to protect your time and energy. 
  • Watch a funny video.
  • Read.
  • Play a game.
  • Practice positive affirmations
  • Listen to a podcast, audiobook, or music.
  • Try something new.
  • Hug an animal.
  • Create a balanced schedule.
  • Stretch.
  • Journal.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Call someone you love.
  • Go to bed early.

Incorporating these small acts of self-care into your routine can help prioritize your mental and emotional health. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish—it’s necessary for you to be the best version of yourself for both you and those around you.

If you’re struggling to incorporate self-care into your life to prioritize your mental and emotional health, please email [email protected] or call 705-929-1612 ext 6. Our intake clinicians can match you with a qualified psychotherapist who can help you navigate these challenges.


Martínez, N., Connelly, C. D., Pérez, A., & Calero, P. (2021). Self-care: A concept analysis. International journal of nursing sciences, 8(4), 418–425.